How to spend monthly Income / Salary
Every month you try to save your monthly Income or Salary but, it could not happen. It's difficult to manage your all expenses, necessary wants, loans, lifestyle, etc. we know every household are trapped in fixing their budget friendly income. Foe getting fixed to monthly budget. We overcome to a solution, 50/30/20.
Understand what 50/30/20 is, 50% is for all necessities, 30% is for all personal expenses and 20% is for Savings or Investments.
We all know it's critical to manage our savings with expenses. But it's all about to change our future lifestyle and family happiness. Lets do practice and test this method to become successful.
What 50% include?
50% includes all those expenses that you needed to survive. Electricity bill, Maintenance, Rent, groceries, Insurance premium, any EMI's, Health emergence, any previous payments and other Utilities. If you have any obligations you can count in. All this bills are includes in 50%of your salary.
Now, How to pay off 50%?
First calculate your Salary and Pay the prior expenses which are secure expenses and then other bills payments.
What 30% includes?
30% includes all your personals Lifestyle expenses. You spend money on that which are not necessaries. First choose your needs things which benefit you. Understand the importance of your life where, you should use your money. According to us, you must do spend on your health, do yoga, gym, eat home made foods, do sports activities instead of spending money on junk food, expensive gadgets. This also includes all your electronics bills, lifestyle expenses.
One can mishandle whole budget at 30% because spending a happy time is also important, buying luxuries, expensive gadgets are dream and this will show your success outcome, Sure but all this you need to succeed in 20%.
What 20% includes ?
Lets go to save 20% of income. Biggest step and hardest step to save. If you take all above certain step accurately then I sure, that you will be save and Invest money anywhere for your future dream. This 20% also includes your insurances plans. This save money you have to put it in a systematically in invest. Build yourself to touch the success feet. I wish you will test this method and be financially freedom.
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